

Membership # 25

Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd.


Customer Code:



Name Signature
First Applicant
Second Applicant (if applicable)
Authorized Signatory/Account Operator
Power Of Attorney
Official Use Only
Name Signature
Member/Member's partner/Director/Officer or Manager

Motijheel Office:
Gulshan Office:

Membership #25, DHaka Stock Exchange Ltd.

Modhumita Building (2nd Floor), 160, Motijheel C/A, DHaka-1000
Ph : 7121342, 7121365, Fax:7170694, E-mail:
Gulshan Grace, Suite 5, 8 South Ave, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Ph: 8852730, 8851895, Fax: 8852714
FORM - IA [ Ref:SEE Rule 8(1)(ccc) ]

Photograph of
Account Holder(s)
(One copy)

Customer Code:

Account Type:

Special Remarks(if any):

Name of the 1stAccount Holder :
Father's / Husband's / CEO's (in case of Firm or company) name :
Mother's Name :
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :
Sex :
Present Address :
Permanent Address :
Telephone No. (if any) :
Nationality :

Name of the 2ndAccount Holder :
Father's / Husband's name :
Mother's Name :
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :
Sex :
Present Address :
Permanent Address :
Telephone No. (if any) :
Nationality :
Name of the Authorized Person / Account Operator of the Applicant (if applicable) :
Address :
Officer or Direcor of any Stock Exchange/listed Company? :
If yes, name of the Stock Exchange/listed Company :
Bank Name :
Branch Name :
Account No :
Name of the introducer :
Address :
Special Instructions, if any :


I/We declare that the particulars given by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowledge as on the date of making such application. I/We do not hold any other BO Account (besides Link Account) under any DP.I/We also authorize the above mentioned person (signature below) to sign any Buy/Sell order form, Confirmation form, Pay in slip, receive or deposit shares abd/or checks on behalf of me/us/ for my/our above mentioned account only.

Signature Date
Signature of the AUTHORIZED PERSON / ACCOUNT OPERATOR of the Account Holder    
Signature of the person INTRODUCING the Account Holder    
Signature of the Account Holder    
Official Use Only
Signature Date
Member/ Member's partner/ Director/ Officer or Manager accepting the account.    

Managing Director
Arena Securities Ltd.
Modhumoti Building (2 nd Floor)
160, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000


I/We do hereby authorize Arena Securities Ltd. to reat my excuted sale order of security as Pay in instrustion, i.e transfer from my Beneficiary Owner account to Arena Securities Ltd. clearing account, and my excuted buy order of securities as Pay Out instruction, i.e transfer from Arena Security Lt. clearing account to my Beneficiary Owner account.

I/We do further authorization Arena Securities Ltd. to debit all CDBL related fees & charges and interest charges (if applicable) from my Securities Account.

Client code :
B.O Account No. :
  Name Signature
First Application  
Secound Application (if applicable)  
3 rdSignature (Ltd. Co. only)  
Date :

CDBL Bye Laws


Form 02

Please complete all details in CAPITAL letters. Please fill all names correctly. All communications shall be sent only to the First Named Account Holder's correspondence address.

Application No ............................
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) ..............................

Please Tick whichever is applicable
BO Category:

BO Type:

Name of CDBL Participant (Up to 99 Characters) ARENA SECURITIES LTD.
CDBL Participant ID
Date Account Opened (DD/MM/YYYY)
I/we request you to open a Depository Account in my / our name as per the following details:

1. First Applicant

Name in full of Account Holder (Up to 99 Characters) :
Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr:
(In case of a company /Firm/Statutory Body) Name of Contact Person

Father's / Husband's Name:

Mother's Name:

2. Contact Details


Post Code:
State / Division:
Mobile Phone:

3. Passport Details

Passport No:
Issue Place:
Issue Date:
Expiry Date:

4. Bank Details

Bank Name:
Branch Name:
Account No:
Electronic Dividend Credit:   TIN / Tax ID:

5. Other Information

Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY): 
Statement Cycle code:       Other (Please Specify)
Internal Ref. No (To be filled in by CDBL Participant):
In Case of Company:
Registration No:
Date of Registration (DDMMYYYY):

6. Joint Applicant (Second Account Holder)

Name in Full (Up to 99 Characters)
Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr:

7. Account Link Request

Would you like to create a link to your existing Depository Account?
If yes, then please provide the Depository BO Account Code (8 Digits):

8. Nominees/ Heirs

If Account Holder(s) wish to nominate person(s) who will be entitled to receive securities outstanding in the account in the event of the death of the sole account holder / all the joint account holders, a separate nomination form - 23 must be filed up and signed by all account holders and the nominees giving name of nominees, relationship with first account holder, percentage distribution and contact details. If any nominee is minor, guardian's name, address, relationship with nominee has also to be provided.

9. Power of Attorney (POA)

If account holder(s) wish to give a Power of Attorney (POA) to someone to operate the account, a separate Form - 20 must be filed up and signed by all account holders giving the name, contact details etc. of the POA holder and a POA document lodged with the form.

10. To be filed in by the Stock Broker / Stock Exchange in case the application is for opening a Clearing Account

Exchange Name .....................................
DSE Trading ID:
CSE Trading ID:

11. Photograph

12. Standing Instructions

I/We authorize you to receive facsimile (fax) transfer instruction for delivery. ..................................................

13. Declaration

The rules and Regulations of the Depository and CDBL Participant pertaining to an account which are in force now have been read by me/us and I/we have understood the same and I/we agree to abide by and to be bound by the rules as are in force from time to time for such account. I/we also declare that the particulars given by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowledge as on the date of making such application. I/we further agree that any false/misleading information given by me/us or suppression of any material fact will render my/our account liable for termination and further action.

Applicants Name of applicants / Authorized signatories in case of Ltd. Co. Signature with date
First Applicant  
Second Applicant  
3rd Signatory
(Ltd. Co. only)

14. Special instructions on operation of Joint Account :

Account Will be operated by

15. Introducer

Introduction by an existing account holder of: ARENA SECURATIES LTD. (CDBL Participant's Name)

I confirm the identity, occupation and address of the applicant(s)

..........................................................................       Account ID:

(Signature of Introducer)

CDBL Participant, Dhaka/ Chittagong/ Sylhet, Bangladesh

Dear sir,
Please open a depository account (BO Account) in my/our names(s) on the terms and conditions set out bellow. In consideration of ARENA SECURATIES LTD. (The 'CDBL Participant') Opening the account providing depository account facilities to me/us, I/we have signed the BO Account Opening Form as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions set out bellow.

1.I/we agree to be bound by the Depositories Act, 1999, Depositories Regulation, 2000, the depository (User) Regulations 2003, and abide by the Bye Laws and Operating Instructions issued from time to time by CDBL

2. CDBL shall allocate a unique identification number to me/us, (Account Holder BO ID) for the CDBL participant to maintain a separate Account for me/us, unless I/we instruct the CDBL Participant to keep the securities in an Omnibus Account of the CDBL Participant. The CDBL Participant shall however ensure that my/our securities shall not be mixed with the CDBL Participant's own securities.

3. I/we Agree to pay such fees, charges and deposits to the CDBL Participant as may be mutually agreed upon, for the purpose of opening and maintaining my/our account, for carrying out the instructions and for rendering such other services as are incidental or consequential to my/our holding securities in an transacting through the said depository account with the CDBL Participant.

4. I/we shall be responsible for:

   (a)The veracity of all statements and particulars set out in the account opening form, supporting or accompanying documents;

   (b)The authenticity and genuineness of all certificates and/or documents submitted to the CDBL participant along with or in support of the account opening form or                subsequently for dematerialization;

   (c)Title to the securities submitted to the CDBL participant from time to time for dematerialization;

  (d)Ensuring at all time that the securities to the credit of my/our account are sufficient to meet the instructions issued to the CDBL participant for effecting any       transaction / transfer;

   (e)Informing the CDBL Participant at time earliest of any changes in my/our account particulars such as address, bank details status, authorizations, mandates, nominations,       signature, etc;

   (f)Furnishing accurate identification details whilst subscribing to any issue of securities.

5.I/we shall notify the CDBL Participant of any change in the particulars set out in the application form submitted to the CDBL Participant at the time of opening the account or furnished to the CDBL Participant from time to time at the earliest. The CDBL Participant shall not be liable or responsible for any loss that may be caused to me/us by reason of my/our failure to intimate such change to the CDBL Participant at the earliest.

6.Where I/we have executed a BO Account Nomination form

    (a)In the event of my/our death, the nominee shall receive/draw the securities held in my/our account

   (b)In the event, the nominee so authorized remains a minor at the time of my/our death; the legal guardian is authorized to receive/draw the securities held in my/our       account.

   (c)The nominee so authorized, shall be entitled to all my/our account to the exclusion of all other persons i.e., my/our heirs, executors and administrators and all other       persons claiming through or under me/us and delivery of securities to the nominee in pursuance of thin authority shall be binding on all other persons.

7. I/we may at any time call upon the CDBL Participant to close my/our account with the CDBL Participant provided no instruction remain pending or unexecuted and no fees or charges remain payable by me/us to the CDBL Participant, In such event I/we may close my/our account by executing the account closing form if no balances are standing to my/our credit in the account. In case any balance of securities exist in the account the account may be closed by me/us in one of the flowing ways:

   (a)By dematerialization of all existing balance in my/our account;

   (b)By Transfer of all existing balance in my/our account to one or more of my/our other account(s) held with any other CDBL Participant(s);

   (c)By dematerializations of a part of the existing balance in my/our account and by transferring the rest to one or more of my/our other account(s) with any other CDBL       Participant(s);

8.CDBL Participant covenants that it shall

   (a)Act only on the instructions or mandate of the account Holder or that of such person(s) as may have been duly authorized by the Account Holder in that behalf.

   (b)Not affect any debit or credit to and from the account of the Account Holder without appropriate instruction from the account holder.

   (c)Maintain adequate audit trail of the execution of the instruction of the Account Holder.

   (d)Not honor or act upon any instructions for affecting any debit to the account of the Account Holder in respect of any securities unless:

       (i)Such instruction are issued by the Account Holder under his signature or that of his/its constituted attorney duly authorized in that behalf;

      (ii)The CDBL Participant is satisfied that the signature of the Account Holder under which instruction are issued matches with the specimen of the Account Holder or           his/its constituted attorney available on the records of the CDBL Participant;

      (iii)The balance of clear securities available in the account Holder's account are sufficient to honor the Account Holder's instructions.

   (e)Furnish to the Account Holder a statement of account at the end of every month if there has been even a single entry or transaction during that month, and in any event once at the end of each financial year. The CDBL Participant shall furnish such statements at such shorter periods as may be required by the Account Holder on payment of such charges by the Account Holder as may be specified by the CDBL Participant. The Account Holder shall scrutinize every statement of account received from the CDBL Participant for the accuracy and veracity thereof and shall promptly bring to the notice of the CDBL Participant any mistakes, inaccuracies or discrepancies in such statement.

   (f)Promptly attend to all grievances / complaints of the Account Holder and shall resolve all such grievances / complaints as it relate to matter exclusively within the domain of the CDBL Participant within one month of the same being brought to the notice of the CDBL Participant and shall forthwith forward to and follow up with CDBL Participant and shall endeavour to resolve the same at the earliest.

9.The CDBL Participant shall be entitled to terminate the account relationship in the event of the Account Holder:

10.Declaration and Signature:

I/we hereby acknowledge that I/we have read and understood the aforesaid terms and conditions for opening Depository Account (BO Account) with CDBL Participant and agree to comply with them.

Applicants Name of applicants / Authorized signatories in case of Ltd. Co. Signature with date
First Applicant  
Second Applicant  
3rd Signatory
(Ltd. Co. only)

CDBL Bye Laws
Form 23

BO Account Nomination Form

Please complete all details in CAPITAL letters. Please fill all names correctly. All communications shall be sent to the correspondence address of only the First Named Account Holder as specified in BO Opening Form-02

Application No : ............................
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) : ..............................
Name of CDBL Participant (Up to 99 Characters)


Member No-25
CDBL Participant ID
Account holder's BO ID
Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)

1 /We nominate the following person(s) who is/are entitled to receive securities outstanding in my/our account in the event of the death of the sole holder / all the joint holders.

1. Nominee! Heirs Details

Nominee 1
Name in full :
Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr:
Relationship with A/C Holder :

Post Code:
State / Division:
Mobile Phone:
Passport No:
Issue Place:
Issue Date:
Expiry Date:
Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY): 

Guardian's Details(if Nominee is a Minor)

Name in Full :

Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr:
Relationship with A/C Holder :

Post Code:
State / Division:
Mobile Phone:
Passport No:
Issue Place:
Issue Date:
Expiry Date:
Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY): 

Nominee 2
Name in full :
Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr:
Relationship with A/C Holder :

Post Code:
State / Division:
Mobile Phone:
Passport No:
Issue Place:
Issue Date:
Expiry Date:
Residency: Resident Non Resident
Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY): 

Guardian's Details(if Nominee is a Minor)

Name in Full :

Short Name of Account Holder (Insert full name starting with Title i.e. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms / Dr, abbreviate only if over 30 characters)
Relationship with A/C Holder :

Post Code:
State / Division:
Mobile Phone:
Passport No:
Issue Place:
Issue Date:
Expiry Date:
Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY): 

2. Photograph of Nomenees/Heirs

  Name Signature
Nominee/Heir 1  
Guardian 1  
Nominee/Heir 2  
Guardian 2  
First Account Holder  
Second Account Holder  

Arena Securities Ltd.

TREC - 025. Dhaka STOCK Exchange LTD.
Please fill this form in English and in BLOCK LETTERS

1. Account Name :
Client ID No. :
2. Occupation: Name of Occupation :
Occupation details, if Services, Name of Employer or other details :
If business, Name of Business :
Name of Product :
Business Area :
3. Expected yearly Deposit & Withdrawal:- Individual :
Company :
4. Source of Income / Fund:- Individual :
Business Area :
5. Whether verification of identity of the client has been satisfactorily completed :
6. Whether the address of the customer is verified? :
7. If the answer is yes, how the address was verified? :
8. Politically Exposed Person (PEPs) :
a) Whether approval was taken from senior Managment? :
b) Source of asset :
c) Whether interview of the customer was taken in person :
9. If company, Name of account operator :
Position in the Company :
( Relationship with the Company )
10. Detail information of principal beneficial / influential person ( information on share holder / Directors who hold 20% or more shares on the company and on whose instruction the stgnatories of the account are act or may act.) :
I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or undertake misleading or misrepresendting, I am aware that i may be held lible for it.
Signature of the Applicant
Date : ............................ (dd/mm/yyyy)


11. Categiry of Client (Risk Scenario) :
12. Overall risk Assessment: Risk Grading :
13. Name of Account Opening Officer :
S. ID No. :
Signature of the A/C open and identified by
Date : ............................
Signature verified by
Date : .........................
Signature: Date: Signature: Date:
Name Position: Name Position:

Letter of Arrangement/Agreement for Margin Finance

Arena Securities Ltd.
Modhumita Building(2ndFloor)
160,Motijheel C/A

Dear Sir,

Subject:Arrangement for Margin Finance

I,......................................., S/O.......................................&.......................................,residing at ............................................,having client code No.............................,& B.0.ID Finance Scheme to the extent of TK.......................................only under the following terms & conditions:

1. Credit limit - as per deposit of margin (Cash/Marginable securities) but not exceeding the above mentioned limit.

2. Rate of interest - Interest will be changed on mutual understanding - percent applicable interest rate will be 17% per year on Free balance in the account. Interest will be recovered on monthly basis to the debit of the account.

3. Duration - Three year and renewable with prior permission of the company.

4. Disbursement - on Purchase of securities excluding securities grouped under Z & Mate Share (except bank's share)at 50% margin which may be re-fixed on request from time to time in line with instruction/directive of SEC & DSE.

5. Cancellation of facility - I hereby acknowledge you right to cancel the facility at any time with or without intimation to me and in the event of the facility being cancelled I undertake to pay you all dues together with other changes due from me immediately of demand.

6. Enforcement of lien of Securities- a)I authorize you to exercise lien over the assets of the portfolio of my margin account under the provisions of this agreement without any prior written notice to me. You are also authorize to sale the appropriate portion of Securities to adjustment of my debt in need. b)I also authorize you to exercise RIGHT OFF SET OFF on my Securities held in my margin account for adjustment of my debt.

I understand that any purchase of securities in my account under the above arrangement will require a deposit(hereinafter referred to as"Margin")which must be in the form of cash or marginable securities as defined in the Securities and Exchange Commission Margin Rules/under sub-clause 4 and such margin is to be deposit as soon as possible but not later than three business days from the date of transaction under the said facilities.

I have this day executed a Demand Promissory Note,which is to be security to you for the repayment of the ultimate balance amount after disposal of all securities remaining unpaid in my account maintained with you.

I also agree to authorize you to keep all securities bought/deposited in my account in your custody and agree not to take delivery of such securities until and unless all dues in my account have been repaid by me.I have this day also signed a Letter of Personal Guarantee providing my obligations to you and your discretion to operate my account towards fulfilment of obligations.

I agree to the above terms and conditions and will indemnify and hold harmless Arena Securities Ltd. Against any loss arising out of transactions done on my account on my behalf.
Yours faithfully,



For Arena Securities Ltd.


Membership # 25,Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd.

Motijheel Office

Modhumita Building (2ndFloor),160 Motijheel C/A,Dhaka-1000
ph:7121342, 7121365, Fax:7170694,

Gulshan Office

Gulshan Grace,Suite 5, 8 South Ave
Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
ph:8852730,8851895, Fax:8852714

Mirpur Office

House 25 (1st Floor), Road-1, Block-Kha
Section-6,Senpara,Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216

Client Code




The above order will be valid till......or until execution

(Signature of the Client/Authorized Signatory)




Please complete all details in CAPITAL letters.Please fill all names correctly.All communication shall be sent only to the First
Named Account Holder's correspondence address.

Client Code/Internal Ref.No:

Date (dd/mm/yy):


Exchange ID :

Please transfer the following securities to the below stated clearing A/C


The rules and regulations of the Depository and CDBL Participant pertaining to an account which are in force now have been read by me/us and I/we have
understood the same and I/we agree to abide by and to be bound by the rules as are in force time to time for such accounts.I/we also declare that the
particulars given by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowledge as on the date of this transaction.I/we further agree that any false/misleading information
given by me/us or suppression of any material fact will render my/our account liable for termination and further action.

Signature: First Applicant/2nd/3rdSignatory/POA Holder

DP Seal

Approved By


Broker Clearing A/C
Delivery Date:
Broker Code/DP ID: