ARENA SECURITIES LTD provides complete brokerage service to institutional and retail investors which encompass up to date investment research products, advice from an experienced marketing team and the reliable settlement of trades. The services offered encompass following segments:
a) Brokerage Services
- Trade Execution of buy and sale of listed securities
- Exclusive/team dealings with dedicated and skilled sales representatives
- Asset/portfolio allocation advice
- Opportunities for trading in different financial instruments.
b) Research Services
- Customized research recommendation
- Sector wise and Company research reports
- Custodial Services
c) Safe Keeping of Securities
- Exclusive arrangement to keep the shares of our clients in our vault
- We are fully capable to verify and register your securities in your name or in the name of your portfolio account at a minimum cost.
d) CDBL Services
- BO (Beneficial Owner) accounts opening and maintenance.
- Dematerialization (process of conversion of physical script to scriptless) securities.
- Re-materialization (process of conversion of dematerialized shares into paper shares) of Securities.
- Freeze (freeze request and release request) and suspensions.
- Transfers and multiple accounts movement.
- Pledging, Un-pledging and confiscation.
- Lending and borrowing.
e) Margin Trading Facility
- Loan facility for investment in securities.
f) Offsite Services
- Transmission of buy/sale orders through SMS linked service
- Web based statement of accounts.