DSE Latest News
Trading of the units of the fund will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block/Odd lot transactions will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle with cum benefit from 08.02.2015 to 09.02.2015. Trading of the units of the fund will remain suspended on record date i.e..
BDSERVICE: Spot News for EGM
Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market and Block/Odd lot transactions will also be settled as per spot settlement cycle from 08.02.2015 to 09.02.2015. Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on record date i.e.,
10.02.2015 for EGM - GSPFINANCE
GSPFINANCE: Resumption News after Record Date
Normal trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 08.02.2015 after record date.
GEMINISEA: Q1 Financials
(Q1 Un-audited): Net Profit/(loss) after tax from Oct14 to Dec14 was Tk. (1.75) million with EPS of Tk. (1.59) as against Tk. 1.77 million and Tk. 1.61 respectively for the same period of the previous year. Accumulated profit/(loss) of the Company was Tk. (17.49) million as on 31.12.2014 resulting total shareholders equity stands at Tk. (6.49) million.